Bending Spoons lays off final 98 Evernote Employees
09 Mar 2025

Evernote's new owners Bending Spoons laid off 129 staffers back in February 2023, but since have they made another round of layoffs - with rumours of all remaining 98 Evernote staff being laid off.
In a world of layoffs in the technology industry, Bending Spoons - the new Evernote acquirers have according to some sources gone through another round of layoffs.
This comes 3 months after their first round of layoffs since Bending Spoons bought the app development company as reported by major technology news outlets. This alleged round of layoffs comes as less reliable in origin with Hacker News, LinkedIn & Twitter forming the story we are writing here today.
Final Evernote Staff Layoffs
An anonymous tip has confirmed with us that Bending Spoons has laid off the remaining 98 people at Evernote based in US and Chile employees. "There’s no one left that worked for Evernote prior to the acquisition."
This is likely true as Evernote and Bending Spoons continue to lean up, with new pricing and subscriptions and a vision for AI as a leaner company, read our full interview with the Evernote team after their last announcement.
Speculation Sources
Hacker News: "Remaining Staff at Evernote"

Hacker News post suggested that "nearly all remaining Evernote" staff have been laid off from Evernote and Bending Spoons as they continue to evolve since acquisition. This could well be like Twitter in nature, where Elon Musk saw many staff members replaced.
This is the first post we saw when it came to release with Hacker News being a good resource, but not the total truth when it comes to factual evidence.
First Layoff Post on Linkedin

Evernote former IT staffer posted an update stating that he was affected by the most recent layoffs at the company. This comes 3 months after the last round of layoffs, so this could be a reflection of the most recent round of posts.
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