

Taskade is a project management software designed for small teams dosed with AI.

Our Rating

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This Is a Good One!

This tool performed well in our tests. Our ratings for tools factor in design, features, performance, practicality and value to help determine the tool's overall score.

Things we like

AI Powered Project Management

Video Call Functionality Included

Great Views Including Mind Maps

Things we don't like

There is a quite aggressive push towards AI throughout the application which feels quite intense

Learning Taskade could take you some time to do as there are many elements to the experience

What we think about the Design of Taskade?

Taskade's design isn't particularly amazing. From our perspective, we wouldn't say it feels like a minimal or well-designed project management experience. More of a compiling of features. But again, many people don't really care too much about design when the features that Taskade offers are very compelling for the value they offer.

Our Rating


Taskade's design isn't...More


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Taskade works well and from all...More


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Taskade Review (2024)

Best Features, Pricing, Alternatives & Verdict

Taskade is a very interesting application that we're going to be checking out in this review. It is a project management software that wants you to utilize AI, so we're going to explore whether it's useful or not.

What is Taskade?

Taskade is an AI-powered project management software for teams and busy individuals. Many people use Taskade to manage their projects, notes, and workload in one place.

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How does Taskade work?

Taskade is focused on helping you manage projects.

The idea behind it is to create a workspace that can turn your project into a wide variety of views. Inside of Taskade, there are some really nice views and tasks like list, board, calendar, action, mind map, and organization chart, which allow you to express information in different ways.

Taskade, Calendar View, Updated March 2024

However, it doesn't translate brilliantly for everything. For example, meeting notes won't look great in an organization chart, but largely, the way to organize things and restructure information is perfect for all types of projects that you're interacting with. You can create projects, manage the tasks in those projects, and see your calendar ahead, which makes it good for spanning across all of the projects that you're involved in inside of Taskade.

It also has a big focus on artificial intelligence, with an assistant that appears in the chat bar constantly and allows you to create generative AI elements. For example, if you want to create an agenda using the context that's in the project, this is something you can do.

Although the AI is much more focused on chat GPT-style generative AI, it's still helpful to have it and contextualized to the project, as well as some of the detailed features like changing the persona and the style of conversation.

Best Features of Taskade

Here are the things we liked about Taskade

1. AI Powered Project Focus

Taskade has built its branding and the entire experience around the AI aspect of their project management, and there are 2-3 main ways that this is done.

Taskade AI - Chat Window, Updated March 2024

The first of those ways is utilized in the chat bar on the right-hand side of any of the projects you're working on. And while this is helpful as an assistant, it doesn't provide the massive amount of benefit that Chat GPT does. However, the benefit of this is that it's next to you when you're collaborating on a project and it has context to that project, which means when you're utilizing it, it will understand what you're working on and gather the best recommendations based on the context that it has. So largely, it will save you more time than not, both accessing it and also utilizing it for the context of the project.

The second element, this is something called AI agents, which is an experience within the platform that allows you to utilize it within the different views. For example, you can use the AI agent to become a researcher or a coach and give you feedback on relevant environments. These can be trained and designed to your liking, and they can be created for each of the different projects that you're working on, which is very helpful for providing that analysis from AI that you might need.

Taskade AI Agents, Updated March 2024

There are other aspects to this as well. With the AI assistant, you can use generative AI to create recommended tasks or expand on some of the brainstorming that you're working on. But largely, some of the AI features are much more generative focused versus structurally inside of the application. However, this as a whole is something that is driving tasks forward in terms of innovation, which is great to see in the productivity space.

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2. Mind Maps & Org Charts

One of the best bits of Taskade is the range of views and flexible ones at that.

Something we'll talk about later in the review is how these views translate data you've created for something like a Kanban board, but as a whole the gems that live in Taskade are mind maps and org charts to help express project information in a better fashion, instantly.

Mindmapping inside of Taskade, Updated March 2024

Mind maps in Taskade allow you to turn anything into a horizontal expression of projects that unpack as you continue right. This is perfect for expanding on ideas, adding sub-tasks and using AI (chatGPT) to generate expanding topics for you (above).

As noted below, some of the boards or lists you create won't look amazing inside of mind map view, but this is something to be aware of when you create each of the projects and express in new ways.

3. Internal Video Chat

This has to be one of the better features for smaller teams.

Opening up Zoom every single time you want to do a chat internally might get a bit painful, as you try to consolidate the tools you use, Taskade does have a way for you to have internal meetings and host them in a simple yet easy-to-use video chat function.

Video Chat in Taskade

There's a few things we loved about this. The nature of opening this sidebar and having a car that lives within the work you're doing is actually a really nice timesaver. You can change cameras, and microphones and use the other features like text chat and audio-only chat to continue the conversation or share links within the meeting that live outside of the workspace. This allows you to collaborate in the Taskade workspace without leaving the application something small teams will like as they work on task.

There are some limitations per plan on how many people are allowed inside of the Taskade video chat function, so make sure you look into this when exploring Taskade pricing.

Taskade Action List View

Taskade Cons

Okay, some of the things we didn't enjoy in Taskade, let's go into this list.

1. Not All Views Translate Well

Unless you're designing the use around something like a mind map, then some of the views and expressing them in Taskade don't go down amazingly.

For example, something that isn't process-based might not translate well to the mind map view or org chart, but do brilliant with the board, action, calendar and list view.

Organisation Chart in Taskade, Updated March 2024

This is just something to note as you're using this. If you've open up an idea generation for your business model project - this will likely be perfect for mind mapping or org chart expression to help bring that to life.

2. Information Overload & Bugs

When you enter Taskade, there's a lot for your eyes to process.

Everything from AI Assistants to where certain things are stored, there's quite a lot and this extends into the home view too. To be honest, you need sometime to really absorb all that Taskade can do and this is prevalent from day one.

Taskade AI Video Chat Bug

You can see from the video chat window (above) that there are a dozen or so smaller bugs like this throughout Taskade. Small elements but just noticeable things where they've added so much functionality that sometimes it makes it harder to use.

Taskade AI Credits

3. You Cannot Escape the New AI

No it isn't the film "The Creator" but the AI is everywhere you go inside of Taskade. Sometimes this is nice, but the option to turn it off in areas would be a nice QOL update that Taskade should consider. If you're on the free version, free credits have been assigned to you but it doesn't stop the sidebar, credit amount and the slash command breathing AI assistant. Something to note when considering this for project management. This can be a pro for many people that want to commit to using AI for teams.

How much does Taskade cost?

Taskade is free with pricing starting from $4 per month, per user.

Taskade Personal Pricing

Here's the pricing for individual use cases.

Taskade Pricing Personal and Family Pricing

Taskade Team Pricing

Here's what teams should expect to pay for Taskade.

Taskade Business Pricing, Updated March 2024

Verdict: Is Taskade Worth It?

Launching Taskade is a very interesting application with a combination of artificial intelligence features that take you beyond what we're currently seeing in other project management software. The only alternative I see to AI being introduced into project management at this scale is the ClickUp AI Brain, which is something that's much more scalable for bigger teams.

AI Assistant, Taskade App, Updated March 2024

However, Taskade is a very interesting application that is very flexible and can be used not just for small teams and large teams, but also by busy professionals still looking to organize their day. It has a wide range of abilities that you could utilize, from meeting notes all the way over to planning a project in terms of the actionable details and assigning them to other team members. It's very impressive to have the range of views that are all available inside of the free plan, which makes it accessible and easy to use, and getting started isn't that difficult.

Home View in Taskade, Updated in March 2024

Another aspect that is nice is that Taskade has a home view, allowing you to see all of the different projects and tasks you've been assigned to, which is nice from a global perspective. Taskade is really approachable in price too, which means that it's going to save you a lot of money if you're working in a small team and looking to get started with utilizing AI and saving you and your team some time.

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Taskade Availability

Taskade is available on WebTaskade is available on iOSTaskade is available on AndroidTaskade is available on WindowsTaskade is available on MacTaskade is available on LinuxTaskade is available on Chrome Extension

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Taskade: Light Project Management

Questions about Taskade

Is Taskade good for larger teams?

We typically recommend Taskade for teams between 5 and 50 members. It offers great live chat, voice and video call - which all presents helpful features for team members looking to collaborate in small to medium-sized groups.

Can Taskade do video calls?

Yes, Taskade allows for video, voice and text conversation per project you work in. These are limited in the free plan, but available.

Is Taskade VC backed?

With 30 investors, Taskade is VC-backed and a ex-YC combinator project.

Can you use Taskade for personal?

Yes, but it really plays much better with project management. Taskade can be used for tasks, notes and even bullet journal for personal users.

Does Taskade have AI?

Yes, Taskade has introduced AI within a chat bot form and also within the creation of pages so you can create using gen-AI features.