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A GTD users dream for managing notes, ranking your tasks and co-ordinating calendar.

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Amplenote, iPhone and Desktop app, New Note, Daily Notes

What is Amplenote?

Amplenote is a note-taking app with tasks, notes & calendars in one.

It is available on iOS, Android, macOS, and Windows. It has robust features for managing notes that are perfect for PKM and working notes in relationships. There are also features for task management.

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Free Buyer's Guide to Note-Taking Apps

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  • Combines tasks, notes & calendar
  • It comes with a daily note feature called Jots
  • Designed for individuals looking for an Evernote replacement
  • It has many GTD-like features for managing the workload
  • The task score feature is brilliant for prioritizing tasks


  • Can be too intense to learn fro some people
  • The design isn't as attractive

Feature Focus

Amplenote's Apple Calendar Sync

Apple Sync is now available for Amplenote to integrate your Apple Calendar tasks and events.

How does Apple Calendar work in Amplenote?

Amplenote allows you to sync Apple Calendar and its existing Google and Outlook sync.

This means everyone using the built-in Apple calendar to add events from emails or schedule their time can now import this information into their Amplenote account. You can still import events from calendars or push events created inside Amplenote into all connected calendars.

Feature Focus

Amplenote's Calendar Colours

Colour coding for calendar events inside Amplenote is now available.

How do calendar colors work in Amplenote?

Calendar views inside Amplenote have also received a fun new update. You can now use colors to visualize tasks and add a new dimension to time management. Coordinating tasks using colors is great for quickly scanning your calendar and seeing the types of tasks in store for that day.

For internal calendar events, the color of the task background is determined by the tag you give to the task. When creating a new tag, you can choose different colors. For example, if your task is for work, you can make a hashtag #work and color code it in blue.

These colors will be automatically imported from your existing calendar for external calendar events. For example, the colors you use for tasks inside Google Calendar will be used in Amplenote. You can change this in the settings to use your colors inside Amplenote.

Feature Focus

Using Readwise with Amplenote

Amplenote features now include a Readwise plugin for updating highlights and notes from recent books.

Can I connect Readwise with Amplenote?

Another Amplenote feature is the updated version for adding Readwise Sync. Instead of following a long, tricky setup process to sync your recently-read books, you can now use the Readwise sync plugin, which will regularly update inside Amplenote.

How much does Amplenote cost per month?

Amplenote is free with some premium pricing for advanced features & note-taking:






$5.84 per month


$10 per month


$20 per month

Is Amplenote Any Good?

Amplenote's minimalist design and emphasis on simplicity make it a good choice for users who prefer a streamlined note-taking experience.

You can use Amplenote as an individual or to collaborate with members of your team. This is great for teams that have tasks they need to complete and stay on top of. The ultimate newcomer to note-taking, Amplenote presents a good option.


Jeff McInturff

Dec 24

Lead Bean Counter

Use: 5Y 9.4 / 10

Highly recommend for anyone that wants an all-in-one GTD app

I have been a user of Amplenote for five years after being a longtime user of Evernote. I love the simple layout and interaction between notes and tasks. It is a great PKM and GTD tool with lots of customization available to fit your needs if you do a modification of GTD to fit your needs. I also love that they are constantly coming out with new capabilities for the tool. I also think the mobile app is great with almost instantaneous load and refresh times. I highly recommend for anyone that wants an all-in-one app to manage notes, tasks and calendar!

Vardhan Shafi profile picture

Vardhan Shafi

Dec 24

Workflow Wizard

Use: 1Y 8.4 / 10

Overall a great notes+to-do app

It's a note plus to-do app that leans more towards note taking. But don't get me wrong, its task management is good. It lacks some filtering options in the tasks section and the interface isn't pretty. It's fine. Other than that this app is magical. It allows for very layered note-taking with all basic options like back-links, hierarchies, etc. It also offers a fine calendar, and some innovative features like task-score. This gives your tasks a score based on the applied properties to help you prioritize them.

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