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A GTD users dream for managing notes, ranking your tasks and co-ordinating calendar.

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Vardhan Shafi profile picture

Vardhan Shafi

29 Dec 2024

Workflow Wizard

8.4 / 10

Overall a great notes+to-do app

It's a note plus to-do app that leans more towards note taking. But don't get me wrong, its task management is good. It lacks some filtering options in the tasks section and the interface isn't pretty. It's fine. Other than that this app is magical. It allows for very layered note-taking with all basic options like back-links, hierarchies, etc. It also offers a fine calendar, and some innovative features like task-score. This gives your tasks a score based on the applied properties to help you prioritize them.


Jeff McInturff

26 Dec 2024

Lead Bean Counter

9.4 / 10

Highly recommend for anyone that wants an all-in-one GTD app

I have been a user of Amplenote for five years after being a longtime user of Evernote. I love the simple layout and interaction between notes and tasks. It is a great PKM and GTD tool with lots of customization available to fit your needs if you do a modification of GTD to fit your needs. I also love that they are constantly coming out with new capabilities for the tool. I also think the mobile app is great with almost instantaneous load and refresh times. I highly recommend for anyone that wants an all-in-one app to manage notes, tasks and calendar!