

Qatalog wants to your team's enterprise knowledge management and search AI.

Our Rating

Qatalog Review (2024)

Pros, Cons, Features & Verdict

Qatalog has changed its core focus to AI-powered workplace search, which is designed to help teams quickly access knowledge and insights from across the business.

Enterprise AI and search intelligence

What is Qatalog?

Qatalog is a team knowledge search function for enterprise customers looking to search across all their services and tools faster.

Used by over 100,000 teams worldwide — Try it now for free / No credit card needed

Run all your work on one platform with customizable products that scale with your needs.

How does Qatalog work?

Qatalog allows your team to plugin their most popular tools. This then allows Qatalog to scan them and allow for natural language searches to find the most suitable results.

AI Search in Qatalog

Qatalog still offers this project management experience but it locks this under a demo. Qatalog is unique in AI with its version of project management.

You can use AI when starting with Qatalog to build a bespoke workspace for your team needs using a command like "Book Shop in San Francisco" and the command will build an object-based workspace that focuses on books, resellers, ISBNs, stock management, and more.

Qatalog Features

Right now Qatalog offers 3 core products in the line-up:

  • Search & Intelligence - their new product offering brings a way for teams to search all their apps and ask natural language questions to their data - like "Where can this be found" or seeking team insights.
  • Collaboration - this is the project management offering with goals, pages, timelines, resources, and more. Something Qatalog was formerly known for.
  • Workflow Management - create workflows for your team and capture an entire process from onboarding new employees to routinizing activities in your team.

Used by over 100,000 teams worldwide — Try it now for free / No credit card needed

Run all your work on one platform with customizable products that scale with your needs.

Our Qatalog Verdict

If you're on the hunt for something that searches all the tools you use, Qatalog is an enterprise-ready search tool for team knowledge. It connects with tools like Salesforce CRM, Google Drive & more.

Qatalog Search Tool

Qatalog offers what looks to be a comprehensive way to connect apps and search together. Once teams have the search AI up and running they can choose to add project management and workflows giving them stronger insights using search.

Who's Qatalog for?

Qatalog is now looking to become more of a large team solution building a base for them to plug in integrations and allow them to search the apps they need to use every single day.

Qatalog Availability

Qatalog Features

Comes with powerful searchUses other apps and servicesSometimes Slow

Qatalog Learning Effort


Best For

Team Search

Founded Date


HQ Location


Last Updated

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Understanding Qatalog

Questions, answered!

Who develops Qatalog?

Tariq Rauf is the CEO of Qatalog, which he founded in 2019. The team has expanded out and the majority of the team are based in London, UK.

What is the difference between Qatalog and Notion?

Notion is more of an open-canvas developed around databases being "apps" for your workspace. Whereas Qatalog presents more of a traditional layout for project management but layers a way to ask their AI to build a workspace for you, to reduce the need to build from scratch. Notion as a whole is much more customisable with databases.