

Endel want to improve your focus and sleep with productive soundscapes and science.

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Endel App

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Endel is one of the most interesting productivity apps on the market. But does it live up to the hype of being a better way to focus and get more done?

Endel App, Sound Productivity

What is Endel?

Endel is an audio app that creates personalized music based on your target needs, such as focus, sleep, and relaxation, based on health, location, and time of day.

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What does Endel do?

Endel is a strange one. It is a new type of productivity software that has been impressively crafted to help you become more focused, sleep better, and train better.

Endel Tuning Sounds

The idea behind Endel is fairly simple: an app that helps you by playing music (called soundscapes) in various apps to help with a variety of use cases. The focus mode is popular with work and can be used to stay on task longer. The sleep mode can be played at night to improve deep sleep states, and there's even an activity mode for sports.

All aren't just thrown together. There's a combination of science backing and AI crafting the algorithm to create the music, which was very strange to get used to when getting started with Endel. The more you use it, the more it learns and adapts to you.

How much does Endel sound cost?

Endel charges £48.99 per year.

Endel Pricing

Can I use Endel for free?

Endel is free to use with limits to how much you can access in terms of soundscapes.

How effective is Endel?

While this is a lot of money for many people, the combination of sleep, focus, and relaxation modes (and more) is a good offering for the cost. It is rare to use an app all day long, and if you paid for Endel, you'd likely be using it in around 3-4 situations per day, which makes the cost not as bad overall.

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How Endel Works?

Endel's soundscapes are created based on scientific research in the fields of neuroscience and sound engineering. The soundscapes are informed by research on brainwave activity, sleep patterns, and environmental soundscapes.

Endel's sleep soundscapes are designed to gradually slow down the listener's brainwaves, helping them to relax and fall asleep more easily. The focus soundscapes are designed to increase alpha brainwave activity, which is associated with increased alertness and reduced distractibility.

The soundscapes are also tailored to a user's unique circadian rhythm, location, weather, and other factors. This personalised approach is informed by research on the impact of environmental factors on mental states.

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Science-BasedPlatformsSoundscapesLacking Personalisation Quality

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