

Clear is a basic to-do list perfect for all your lists, checklists & priorities.

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Clear Review (2024)

Best Features, Pricing, Alternatives & Opinion

Clear wants to be a simple yet powerful way to manage lists. Popular for groceries and light task management, Clear has a cult following online for the simple nature.

Clear 2 App, Leak

What is Clear App?

Clear is a simple to-do app for iOS with gestures and lists for daily to-dos.

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How does Clear work?

Don't view Clear as the replacement for a fully-fledged task management system like Todoist. It isn't. Clear is made to be simple and focused on light lists.

Clear has a range of users - from grocery shoppers who want a visual and fun list to wander around the supermarkets with to those who want to create a narrowed list for their priorities and day-to-day focus.

Clear won't be something you jump on if you want more advanced features, but it does present enough for the everyday user of tasks that is more playful and fun than Apple Reminders.

Best Features: Clear Todos

Here's some of Clear's most useful features within their basic task app:

  • Create Lists - the bread and butter of Clear is pop lists that allow you to open them up and add more tasks. Once you learn how to add a task quickly, it is fun and simple to do.
  • Due Dates - you can add due dates and reminder times to each of your tasks too.
  • Themes and Colours - one of the USPs of Clear is the way you can change the lists to different colors making it truly your own.

As you can see Clear offers a simple set of features, nothing too in-depth.

If you're looking for more advanced to-do list apps, we'd recommend looking at our full guides on tools like TickTick, Todoist and Things 3 - these are great medium to high-level task applications.

Is Clear worth it?

As we mentioned above, Clear is designed for the lightweight task user.

Someone who wants an easy-to-use to-do list with a bit of colour and fun thrown in, with the gestures on iOS in particular being brilliant. Clear has a wide range of use and some people even use it alongside their main task apps, or project management apps too.

Well-designed and easy to use, Clear offers a feature set to get going with.

Used by over 10,000 highly productive people. Try with 7-day free trial

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Clear Availability

Clear Features

Easy to use gestures for adding tasksEasy to open list managementPopular for managing groceriesRange of app icons in proSpeedy and easy to manage

Clear Learning Effort


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Understanding Clear

Questions about Clear

Is Clear a good grocery to-do list app?

Yes. The simple nature of lists are fun to pop open when you're searching for groceries and for anything else checklist based. Clear is neat to-do list app for groceries.

When is Clear 2 coming?

The team are actively working on the Clear re-launch. This will be in 2023, but offers improvements on typeface, features & more.