

Bonsai is an all-in-one hub for business and freelancers for tracking everything.

Bonsai App

Top Features, Pricing, User Reviews

Bonsai wants to help you set up your team and freelancers with the best place to host and manage everything. But does it do a good job as an all-in-one business hub?

Bonsai being productive as a freelancer business dashboard.

What is Bonsai App?

Bonsai is a business management app that helps boost productivity. Suitable for freelancers and business owners and those who need a way to track expenses, invoices, contracts, and customer relations.

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How Bonsai works?

It provides an all-in-one space for everything you need including forms for collaboration, it also allows you to create custom documents that feel a little fancier, all inside Bonsai.

Overall, Bonsai is one of those all-in-one systems that business owners and freelancers want to manage all parts of the business with a goal of not switching between apps. It is ideal for tracking finances, sending invoices, managing projects, and creating a seamless and fast system for all the paperwork.

Best Features inside Bonsai App

Here are some key features of Bonsai, the all-in-one freelance productivity app:

Bonsai App Invoice Management System with Payments

1. Invoices and Finance Tracking

First of all, Bonsai has great finance and tracking abilities. This makes life as a freelancer so much easier and streamlines the whole process of sending invoices, getting paid and setting money aside for taxes.

You can manage all payments and expense tracking in one place, with the upgrade you can even have an accountant help you out and manage all your money. This helps with tax returns and making sure you keep enough money aside to pay for it.

The cool thing with Bonsai is you can create custom branding if you upgrade, giving your clients a super fancy experience and sending customized invoices, project packages, and more. It's all in one place.

2. Client Projects & Custom Branding

You can manage everything inside Bonsai when it comes to clients, projects, branding and communication. Create a client CRM to stay on track with what you need to get done and follow your timeline. Manage it all from contracts to payments.

Bonsai also allows you to create custom branding so all forms, letters, contracts, invoices and anything you send over to clients will all be in line with your branding. This makes everything feel a lot more professional.

Overall, Bonsai helps create a nice client experience and a much easier experience for you to manage everything in one place too.

Time Tracking in Bonsai App

3. Time Tracking with Clients

Finally, there are tons more amazing features with Bonsai however its time-tracking abilities make using this app even better for freelancers. You can set an hourly rate for tracking time, this will then automatically add to invoices so no hard work is done on your part.

You can set up to track time spent on projects so you know where your billable hours are, how much time you have left, or what can be billed now. Again, this is added to the invoice for you.

You can also see real-time reports on where you have spent your time and how much time you have spent working on a project. This helps with your own personal time management, focus and distractions, along with billing.

How Much Does Bonsai Cost?

In terms of pricing, the app is quite expensive, and there are other tools available for less, you can always do the free trial to test it yourself. The app can be easy enough to use, you can get started with templates too.

Bonsai App Pricing, How Much is Bonsai App?

You can choose to pay monthly or annually. With monthly payments, you will get a 14-day free trial, and with annual payments, you'll get two months for free.

Here are the monthly pricing plans for Bonsai app:

  • Starter = $25 per month - This gives you all the basics to use Bonsai for personal freelancing needs such as templates, invoicing and client projects.
  • Professional = $39 per month - This adds custom branding abilities, workflow automation and integrations from other apps and calendars.
  • Business = $79 per month - You can now add accountant access, connect multiple bank accounts, and have a talent pool and team seats.

Used by over 10,000 highly productive people. Try with 7-day free trial

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Is Hello Bonsai Worth it?

Bonsai is worth it if you are a freelancer and can afford the upgrade within your expenses. The upgraded version of Bonsai allows you to create an even easier process of managing your finances, time and clients.

So, if you are a freelancer looking for a way to streamline your process, create client CRM and manage taxes, bills and so on, Bonsai is worth it.

What is Bonsai Freelance

Bonsai is best known for freelancers to create a space for managing money, time and clients. You can even create custom branding forms, invoices and more to create a professional space to manage your freelance business.

Bonsai Availability

Bonsai Features

All in One Accounting Productivity Expensive

Bonsai Learning Effort


Founded Date


HQ Location

San Francisco, USA

Last Updated

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