

Bloks is a meeting assistant that uses AI to help summarize everything happening.

Bloks Review (2024)

Pros, Cons, Features & Verdict

Bloks is a multi-purpose productivity app powered by AI to help users optimize their notes, time, organization, meetings, and more.

Bloks is an AI productivity app to help manage tasks, reminders, meetings and much more.

What is Bloks?

Bloks is a productivity application powered by AI. It claims to be like an expansion pack for productivity, saving you time and enabling you to get more done.

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How does Bloks work?

Bloks uses AI to assist with the usual time-consuming tasks like prepping for meetings, drafting messages, setting reminders, writing to-do lists and so much more.

Bloks App

Using AI inside productivity applications like Bloks creates a streamlined environment for individuals and teams, meaning you can worry about tasks at hand, instead of organizing notes and remembering when your next meeting is.

Bloks uses a three-step process, first, you capture your ideas, notes, or whatever it is you want to write down, next the application intelligently organizes what you have captured by adding tags and giving context. Finally, AI assistance helps you create drafts, prep for meetings, and set reminders.

Bloks Features

These are Bloks key features for managing notes and tasks:

  • Capture notes, to-dos, lists, and more.
  • Transcribe conversations, and create summaries and to-do lists from meetings.
  • Automatically organize what you capture.
  • Gives more context to captures like linking to relevant emails, attachments, and notes.
  • Works inside all your usual meeting applications.
  • Get reminded of follow-ups.
  • See your plan for the day, and week and stay on top of important meetings and tasks.

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Is Bloks A Good Choice For Me?

Bloks is a very user-friendly application great for anyone with any need. If you are someone who has lots of meetings, takes lots of notes and needs to save time, Bloks can be a good choice for you.

With Bloks, you can automatically create meeting summaries, drafts, notes to-dos and more. This application will save you much-needed time for other important tasks, and act just like a productivity assistant.

Bloks Availability

Bloks Features

Designed with AI to help ask questionsGenerated from the meetings you haveNot Yet Launched

Bloks Learning Effort


Founded Date


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Last Updated

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Bloks: AI Powered Notes

Explore Bloks Further

Is Bloks available to download?

Right now, Bloks is only early access but is expected to launch in 2023.

Does Bloks helps meetings?

Bloks wants to be your note-taking tool as well as managing tasks and meetings too. With the AI abilities they have, they want to transcribe but also plug in with tools like Zoom, Webex and more meeting platforms to make meeting notes better and more AI focused.

Is Bloks a Notion replacement?

Bloks market themselves as an AI-Powered Productivity Assistant. Right now, it isn't a Notion alternative more of a lightweight tool that takes notes, using AI and has the ability to handle tasks, meetings and collect items. More comparable to Twos.

Who created Bloks?

Marc Gingras is the founder of Bloks.

What is Bloks's mission?

They want to handle your attention better. Here's a statement from their website summarising that "We are constantly bombarded with thousands of notifications, messages, meetings, documents, recordings, and apps. Our attention is solicited at every moment of the day. And what should be simple is now complex."