Spark Mail

Spark Mail

Spark Mail app is a reliable, all-round way to handle and send emails now using AI.

Our Rating

Spark Mail App Review (2024)

Best Features, Pricing, Alternatives & Verdict

Developed by Readdle, this email client is a powerful way to handle your email inbox. Does it live up to the email abilities and is it the right email client for you? Let's review it.

Email Inbox with Spark Mail

What is Spark Mail?

Spark Mail is an email client developed by Readdle for managing & sending emails.

A clean, distraction-free inbox, in under 5 minutes

SaneBox clears the clutter, so you can focus on your highest priorities and get more done.

What does Spark Mail do?

Spark wants to handle your emails in a productive sense with unified inbox for all your emails in one location then productivity features like priority emails, a homepage to stop your focus on handling every single email, and features like Gatekeeper that blocks new emails for you to approve to handle the overwhelm.

Spark Mail is what we call an all-around email client as it handles your inbox with quality features, without breaking the bank - with the premium pricing starting from $4.99 monthly. Used by mainly professionals who want more advanced features than Gmail.

Spark Mail Pros

1. Home & Priority

Spark Mail has a nice feature called home allowing you to open your inbox and seeing a relaxing image with your inbox condensed to a smaller view. This is really nice when you open your inbox which can typically be something that is stressful.

Priority Inbox Settings, Grouping, Spark Mail Email App

One of the killer features, locked under premium, is the priority management. This is worth the money as it helps to condense your inbox to the most priority items and the home can view only the important stuff so you don't fall down the email rabbit hole of low-value emails. This is something quite valuable to those who work from themselves.

2. Spark Mail AI

AI is everywhere and Spark has baked this into the application.

Spark Mail AI Example Email Draft

They have two main features the writing assistant and the quick replies. Writing helps you to craft better emails using the likes of Open AI's ChatGPT integration to craft smarter emails, take requests and more - all inside the inbox. The quick replies are a little bit more novel, determining your response and allowing you to quickly send disinterest or agreement in an email that might not need a full response.

They do have limitations, something we've noted as a con, as this isn't as common in productivity apps more recently, apps like Superhuman don't have a limit on their AI to you have to quite weary of how you spend you monthly quota.

3. Accurate Search

The search within Spark Mail is very good, with simple yet powerful quick commands.

Spark Mail Search Abilities

Searching your inbox can sometimes be tricky and with the profile types way to browse people or the folder "in: " setups allows you to better find things at a faster rate. Email search is quite tricky and we think, from our review, that Spark has done this well.

A clean, distraction-free inbox, in under 5 minutes

SaneBox clears the clutter, so you can focus on your highest priorities and get more done.

Spark Mail: The Cons

Something things to note when looking at Spark Mail and deciding on it:

1. Premium Limits

Spark Mail premium (priced at a reasonable $4.99 per month or $59.99 per annum) does limit you with specific features. Sadly, the best features we highlighted like the home screen, priority email and gatekeeper (a way to vet incoming emails) in premium.

Spark Mail gatekeeper feature, protecting your inbox from unwanted emails

To be honest, the price is decent for Spark Mail and the features of course, for email apps, actually can add up to quite a decent amount - so whilst this is something to note, it isn't a massive con.

2. AI Quotas

There are monthly quote limits within the Spark + AI abilities.

Spark Email AI Quotas

Whilst we haven't tested the limits fully, but we found that drafting on email cost us 1% of the 100% limit you get per month. So I can imagine this will give you 100 credits per month, although this isn't as scientific as elements could be cheaper or more expensive.

They renew each month when your bill comes out.

Spark Mail Pricing

Here's a look at the Spark Mail pricing:

Spark Mail Pricing

How much does Spark Mail cost?

Spark Mail is free, with a monthly premium of $4.99 for advanced features. Priced at $59.99 per annum. Team plans start from $6.99 per user, per month.

The value of this is decent in the email market.

A clean, distraction-free inbox, in under 5 minutes

SaneBox clears the clutter, so you can focus on your highest priorities and get more done.

Spark Mail Review: Final Thoughts

Spark Mail is good for personal use, however, its collaboration and communication features make this a great app for teams. We always recommended as the best free and paid all-round email app, and more for those that are budget conscious.

Spark Mail, Notifications in Email, Email Inbox Feed

Being able to share draft emails, chat in private threads and share email templates saves a lot of time, cuts out the need for meetings and will increase team productivity. It’s an easy application to get started with, so beginners would love Spark Mail.

Best Spark Mail Alternatives

Superhuman, Spike & Hey Email are all good Spark Mail alternatives to consider.

Spark Mail Availability

Spark Mail Features

Building AutomationsTeam Collaborative EmailSecurity & SafetyLimited Customisation

Spark Mail Learning Effort



Spark Mail accolades

Best All-Round Email

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Questions on Spark Mail

How Spark Mail works

Does Spark Mail use OAuth authentication?

Yes. The team responded: "OAuth authentication is used in Spark whenever the email server makes it possible. Spark needs to check and send emails from your email account. Otherwise, you won’t be able to read or compose emails in the app. This is how every email client works."

Is Spark Email trustworthy?

Spark Mail is owned by Readdle, a well-known, credible productivity app provider. Always check what security and data policies you are comfortable with, with all email apps.

Is Spark good for emails?

Spark Mail is a good all-round email client for managing and sending emails with a balance of advanced and easy-to-use features.

What is the difference between Spark and Canary Mail?

Spark Mail is a better all-round email app whilst Canary Mail focuses on AI management of your inbox, with similar basic abilities like sending and managing your inbox.

Who owns Spark Mail?

Readdle is a 16-year-old company based out of Ukraine. They have over 200M downloads and a team of over 250 people.