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Rise Calendar

Rise Calendar

Rise Calendar wants to help you better focus your time at work with their calendar.

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Highly Recommended!

This tool stands in the top 5% of tools on Tool Finder. Our ratings for tools factor in design, features, performance, practicality and value to help determine the tool's overall score.

Things we like

Easy to use calendar design

Great for blocking focus time

Good for planning tasks & projects

Works for multiple team members

Pricing much more affordable

Things we don't like

The free plan limits you to 250 open tasks right now that stops you collaborating beyond this point

Can be a confusing mixture of calendar, projects & tasks in one app for people that like to keep things seperated

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Is Rise Calendar worth it?

Top Features, Pricing & User Reviews

What is Rise Calendar?

Rise Calendar is a calendar app that allows individuals and teams to manage their schedules. It will enable users to access projects and tasks and schedule meetings.

Rise is available on iOS, Android, Windows, macOS, and webOS. It also works with Google and Outlook Calendar.

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How does Rise work?

Rise Calendar wants to be your base for managing your time.

They want to help you better manage your focus with a few features that focus on this. The first is something called FocusGuard. This helps people in the background block out time to focus. Instead of having your calendar experience bombarded by other people, it will block out suitable deep work time for you to get into the weeds.

This is partly done by the introduction of flexible meetings that are movable and help to avoid double bookings. These meetings can be moved to best suit your work schedule and the other person's using Rise. Rise has scheduling links that allow for planning with team members and external parties using a Calendly-like feature.

Rise Calendar is designed for individuals and teams. You can add up to 5 team members to a free Rise account, but after that, you'll be pushed into the team pricing.

Rise Calendar Pros

  • Comes with task & project management
  • Designed very well on all devices available on

Rise Calendar Cons

  • Expensive subscription if you upgrade

How much is Rise Calendar per month?

Here's how to get started with Rise Calendar:






Limited task amounts


$10 per user, per month

No limits

Is Rise Calendar free?

Rise Calendar is free to use for unlimited events but limited tasks.

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Free Report: 2024's Calendar Apps Ranked

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Reza Qorbani profile picture

Reza Qorbani

27th May 2024

Inbox Invincible

Use: 1Y 10 / 10

Game Changer Calendar App

Dealing with many calendars was a nightmare that I had to deal with for many years! I have 8 calendars and I almost got an assistant to help me for my scheduling challenges. Finding Rise was a total game changer! It literally improve my quality of life. I simply can not live without it! Ability to sync my availability across different calendars......

Derk Oosterveld profile picture

Derk Oosterveld

27th May 2024

Deadline Demolisher

Use: 2Y 10 / 10

What a great and beautiful app!

Tasks and calendar in one is a big win for me! Love the design, functionalities, the smartness behind it. Wonderful! I already worked for a long time with two apps: Todoist and Mac Calendar, and created a sync to get tasks in my calendar. But with Rise it's easy, you can just drag and drop tasks into your schedule.

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