Newton Mail

Newton Mail

Newton Mail has many features to advance business communications with teams.

Our Rating

Newton Mail Review

Best Features, Pricing, Alternatives & Opinion

Newton Mail is a simple and fast email client that offers some power features, but does it offer a good enough paid email client experience and is it right for me?

Newton Mail, Multiple Devices, Email App

What is Newton Mail?

Newton Mail is an email client that offers advanced features for inbox management.

What does Newton Mail do?

Newton Mail is an email client that syncs to all your devices and links all your email accounts. It has a clean and simple interface making it easy to navigate around and manage emails. Newton has many features to help with focus, having conversations with teams, connecting other tools, and keeping an organized space.

Snooze Email in Newton Mail

Newton Mail can be used with Gmail, Outlook, Office 365, Exchange, Yahoo, IMAP, and iCloud email accounts with a unified inbox to see everything all in one too. This is a feature many people like and something we noted in our review.

Newton Mail: The Pros

Let's take a look at some of Newton Mail's best features for keeping a clean mailbox.

  • Read receipts - This feature is super handy when emailing clients or teams to know if they have seen your email yet and when to follow up with another message.
  • Recap - This function will show you all emails you have missed or not replied to yet, this is great because busy inboxes easily lose important messages.
  • Schedule send - If you know some of your clients or team members are within a different time you can schedule emails to send at a good moment.
  • Share link - Share emails as a link to other productivity tools, especially if the email has attachments or information you want to share or save for future reference.

Newton Mail: The Cons

Here are some of Newton Mail's cons.

  • Closed before - Newton Mail has closed before, this doesn't mean it will close again but it might put off some users who want a solid and reliable email service.
  • Minimalist - Newton Mail is a very simple-looking and plain email client, this may be a big win for some, but for the price you might want an email client that feels a bit more premium.

Newton Mail Pricing

Last updated December 2023.

Newton Mail Email Pricing

How much does Newton Mail cost?

$49.99 per annum, recurring subscription for their premium.

Newton Mail has no free plan but does have a free 14-day trial.

Newton Mail: Final Thoughts

The last major update for Newton came in mid-2021 showcasing that this application while packed with power features has been left to their offering, versus constantly updated on.

Newton Mail Email Templates

Newton Mail, for those considering it, is a good option for all-round use but won't give you the speed and performance of apps like Superhuman or Spark Mail. It will give you more abilities to better manage your inbox and consume your emails with a recap, tidy inbox, and more features designed to handle your inbox management better.

This is a good all-rounder, but no longer has the reputation it formerly had for constant updates and an innovative approach to email.

Newton Mail Alternatives

The best Newton Mail alternatives would be Hey Email, Missive, or Spark Mail.

Newton Mail Availability

Newton Mail is available on MacNewton Mail is available on LinuxNewton Mail is available on WindowsNewton Mail is available on AndroidNewton Mail is available on iOS

Newton Mail Features

Tidy MailFocusEasy to NavigateMultiple Shutdowns

Newton Mail Learning Effort


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