Focused Work

Focused Work

Focused Work is a pomodoro timer app to help improve focus, and get more work done.

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Focused Work

Top Features, Pricing & User Reviews

Focused Work is a powerful timer application for motivating long periods of focused work.

What is Focused Work App?

Focused Work is a Pomodoro-inspired timer application that helps users create focus sessions to focus more on work without distractions from devices.

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How does Focused Work work?

You can create your own focus sessions inside this app, specific to your needs and how long you want to focus. You can also set reminders to stay on track and reflect on your focus.

Overall, Focused Work is a simple timer application for creating focus sessions, tracking focus progress, and creating new healthier habits to balance work and taking breaks.

Key Features of Focused Work

Here are some key features of Focused Work, the focus timer application.

  • Focus sessions can be customized easily by dragging and dropping options to create a flow that works for you.
  • Set reminders to start a session at the beginning of your day and reminders to stay on track.
  • A built-in journal for reflecting on focus sessions to improve your practice further.
  • Track your daily goals and progress streaks to help build new habits for focus and work.
  • Use the blockers to prevent distracting websites from popping up while you work.
  • Use lock screen widgets to further motivate focus time and start sessions straight from Siri.

Who is Focused Work Best Suited For?

Focused Work is best for personal use. It's an app where you can create sessions that work for you, track your progress, and journal about your focus experience. The price of the app is in the middle, around $5 per month, but it's worth it if you enjoy using focus apps, and this one does include useful features.

Overall, Focused Work is easy to get started with and perfect for anyone wanting to get more done. Focused Work Timer alternatives include Session and Forest.

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Focused Work Availability

Focused Work Features

Focus SessionsGet Things DoneEasy to UseLimited Devices

Focused Work Learning Effort


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Melbourne, Australia

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