

Calendars by Readdle wants to help organize your meetings, tasks & routines in one.

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Calendars by Readdle Review

Best Features, Pricing, Alternatives & Verdict

Claiming 20 million use Calendars is a bold statement, but why do people use it as their go-to calendar experience on Apple devices, let's dig into Calendars by Readdle here:

What is Calendars by Readdle?

Calendars by Readdle is an application developed by Readdle, they notably develop Spark Mail, another well developed email client in the space.

Calendars by Readdle, App

Designed to manage calendar events and tasks in one location. It is primarily a simple calendar application, acclaimed for its ease of use and widespread adoption, being used by 20+ million people according to Readdle.

What does Calendars do?

The experience focuses on simplifying calendar management while seamlessly integrating tasks, streamlining day-to-day management.

Currently, Calendars by Readdle is available only on Apple devices, including Mac, iPad, iPhone, and Apple Watch. All versions work cohesively, offering a comprehensive user experience which is something a lot of Apple users lover. Notably, the application was formerly known as Calendars 5, a popular iPhone app that evolved into a more collaborative tool for on-the-go use.

Calendars by Readdle, Difference Providers for Calendar

Calendars by Readdle syncs with Apple Reminders, iCloud Calendar, Google Calendar, Exchange, Google Tasks, and Outlook. It includes several notable features, such as shortcuts, which allow for the creation of routine tasks or events like walking the dog, reading time, haircuts, or focus time. On the Mac version, these can be easily dragged into your calendar for easier access.

This app stands out in the productivity space with its robust rating and availability across iPhone, iPad, and Mac. It focuses on simplifying calendar management and integrating tasks, thereby facilitating easier management of daily schedules. There are some limitations when it comes to their Pro plan, but we'll get to that.

Best Features

Here's the things we liked about Readdle's calendar app:

1. Shortcuts

One of the key features of Calendars is the ability to create shortcuts for routine tasks and events. This feature enhances efficiency by allowing users to quickly drag these events into their calendar.

Shortcuts, Calendars by Readdle

These shortcuts are particularly useful as they save time by eliminating the need to duplicate events or rearrange schedules repeatedly. Users appreciate the ability to add emojis and routinely create events, which streamlines the process. Quality of life features extend beyond shortcuts.

The app includes weather updates, providing granular, location-specific forecasts, and the ability to set up recurring events. Its integration with Apple's ecosystem, through beautiful widgets on iPhone and Mac, offers convenient access to calendars. Fantastical is super popular too for weather fans.

2. Quality of Life Features

Calendars by Readdle offers several quality of life features, such as weather updates and recurring event setup. It integrates well with Apple devices, providing beautiful widgets for quick access and natural language input for easy event scheduling.

Calendars by Readdle App, Plans and Month View

Natural language input is another key feature, enabling users to input events effortlessly. For example, typing "call with Penny at 7 PM" automatically pulls in all relevant details. The Today area is a highlight, showing both scheduled tasks and unassigned time tasks, making it easier to visualize the day's plan.

3. Mobile Access

The mobile version, especially on iPhone, provides various viewing options such as list, day, week, and month views. It is known for its user-friendly interface across all devices, making it a versatile tool for on-the-go calendar management.

How much does Calendars by Readdle cost?

The application is free, but the Pro version for Mac is priced at $19.99 per year, offering advanced features like smart input and reminders.

This pricing is generally seen as reasonable and approachable by many users.

How much does Calendars by Readdle cost?

You do get locked out of about 60% of features without the pro plan.

Verdict: Is Calendars by Readdle worth it?

Calendars by Readdle is an attractive option for those seeking a balance between basic and advanced calendar applications.

Calendars by Readdle, App Design

The shortcuts feature and task management capabilities make it suitable for various users who want a more sophisticated tool than Apple Calendar but not as complex as other advanced apps.

Features like Planner & Shortcuts that allow for better management of tasks and routines are locked under pro, but the general calendar abilities make it super accessible.

Best Calendars by Readdle Alternatives

Alternatives include Google Calendar, Fantastical, Notion Calendar, and others, which are all good, simple alternatives offering different experiences and features.

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Calendars Features

User Friendly Natural Language Integration iOS Only

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Calendars: Readdle's Calendar

Understanding Calendars

What is the difference between Calendars & Calendars 5?

Both developed by Readdle, Calendars is the newer name for Calendars 5.

How many people use Readdle Calendars?

20M people use Calendars worldwide, according to Readdle.

What mobile calendar apps compare to Calendars by Readdle?

Other mobile calendar applications like Calendars 5 are; Google Calendar, Fantastical, Amie and

Can I use Calendars 5 on other devices?

Calendars 5 can be synced across all Apple devices, so you can plan events on the go and stay on top of your schedule.

Can I sync other calendars with Calendars by Readdle?

Yes, follow these steps to sync other calendars to your mobile calendar app.

1. Head into settings inside the app.

2. Find 'Connected Accounts' and tap 'Add Account'.

3. Select the account you want to add and input the details.