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Writing Software

Writing software can come in many forms. Grammar assistants, AI dictation tools and writing tools for better focus. Ranging from markdown editors, to spelling assistants, these tools can help you optimize your writing and better enhance how you work. Whether you are writing an SEO driven article, or optimizing your existing script for an upcoming threatre production, all of these writing tools and software are designed to help your excel forwards. Many people like to have a focused writing tool to bring them the focus they need and many of the assistants can help you produce better quality writing and output, so lets explore all the tools and software on the market for writing.

Voicepal logo

Voicepal is an AI ghost-writing tool designed for bringing ideas to draft in minutes.

reMarkable logo

reMarkable is a paper tablet for staying focused & getting work done offline.

LEX AI logo
Rising Star

LEX is an AI writing tool for writers and professionals to better craft their writing

QuillBot logo

QuillBot is a writing software for improving grammar, analyzing text, and AI tools.

Grammarly logo

Grammarly is a communication assistant for writing better text and documents.

Writesonic logo

Writesonic is an AI content creation tool for writing blogs, ads and more.

Obsidian logo

Obsidian is a locally stored note-taking application with millions of PKM fans.

Bear Notes logo

Bear Notes is a minimal, markdown note-taking application perfect for iOS and Mac.

iA Writer logo

iA Writer is designed as a focused writing app that 2M users use worldwide.

Contextminds logo

Contextminds is a writing companion that combines search, whiteboards & AI.

Scrivener logo

Scrivener is a writing application designed for thesis, scripts & book writing.